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By Grabthar's Hammer... What a game


Never give up, never surrender!


Couple of recommendations and something that is clearly a bug.

A way to save progress.

Some form of progression to auto harvesting for titanium and duranium.

Some form of zooming in or out.

Some indicator as to what the hotkeys are.

Some form of map.

There is some kind of bug that others have reported.  I took a different approach and saved up enough resources to build at least 100 stations.  Several attack ships were destroyed and I had at last glace 61 glory.  Then for no apparent reason the screen goes black.

Thanks for the suggestions! Yes I am aware of the black screen bug and am attempting to solve it. 

There was also a zooming in and out feature before but it was very buggy so I removed it before release. Will add it back soon eventually

Might be worth figuring out if its a screen drawing issue or something else.

It does seem to be related to the process involved with the stations being built.  It doesn't occur before that point.
Might be related to :
Spawning process
    Unhandled collisions exceptions
Game over criteria (if it exists)
Some kind of variable out of bounds issue
Screen drawing priority

I didn't test for different browser's behavior.  I was on Chrome.
Hope you can figure out what the issue was.  Its a decent idea for a game.


Great artstyle, fun environment. Clickers aren't really my thing though. Game froze my browser while I was doing expeditions.


I see, thanks for telling me


Well, I'm in the League but have no way to progress without duranium, but I'm not clicking 4k times to build another ship.

You can use WASD keys to move around, then just click on the new planet to gain duranium :D


Interesting game. My issues:

"Right click certain upgrades to see more options" is annoying because of popup menu appearing each time.

Crossed out updates for no particular reason (for example, harvester eff. after you brouth 4 of them, although I've enough money).

Either "Sell titanium"should have an option "all" or sell price of it should be constant.

Got it, thanks for your input!


I don't get how I keep 'dieing' soon after getting the scouts, the screen goes black and idk what I'm doing wrong :/

Same, There is a known bug where the screen goes black when clicking too fast but I'm not even clicking and it still just goes black.

The black screen isn't from clicking, I've restarted the game like 4 times and it always happens immediately after the first skirmish when I get the space station built.

I gathered enough to make two stations at once in case it was a game-over state for the enemies getting though somehow, still got black screen after a short time....

Doesnt always happen, but it eventually will happen it seems...

I lasted to the third skirmish, but boop, dead!


Yeah sorry about the black screen bug. I will fix it soon. Thanks for your input!

At a random time, for no apparent reason the game simply turned black and all progress was lost. Frustrating.

(1 edit) (+3)

I had fun. Made a lot of money. Didn't get the scout or fighter ships yet. Tabbed out. Tabbed back. No save. Progress is gone. Fun while it lasted.

edit: remembered this and came back. If anyone needs it: chrome://discards/ don't lose your progress


Sorry about the black screen bug. I'll fix it soon. Thanks for sharing the discard link though that's helpful!